select 'true' from dual where 1 not in (null,1);
when we execute this which will result nothing
what my question is:
is the above query is logically equivalent to
select 'true' from dual where 1 != null and 1 != 1;
which will result nothing just as above statement
Please clarify?
Correct (but note that IN
is an operator, not a clause and it works like this in SQL in general, not only for Oracle).
where 1 not in (null,1)
is equivalent to:
where 1 != null and 1 != 1
which should really be written as:
WHERE 1 <> NULL AND 1 <> 1
which is the same as:
WHERE (1 <> NULL) AND (1 <> 1)
which evaluates to:
and further as:
So, it correctly returns no rows.
Notice that if you had WHERE 1 NOT IN (NULL, 2)
, it would evaluate to WHERE UNKNOWN
(left as an exercise) and no rows would be returned either.
The issue of your script in comparing with NULL value. You should use
column is null and column = 1
Actually NULL is an undefined value. Any comparation with NULL gives neither True nor False but NULL. Even NULL = NULL
That's why your 1 not in (null,1) doesn't work.
Yes they are.
select something from table where column not in (1,2,3);
is equivalent to
select something from table where column != 1 and column != 2 and column != 3;
The IN statement is a collection of OR statements, while NOT IN is a collection of AND statements - but it is also not equal to.
So the NOT IN is equivalent to:
1 <> NULL
AND 1 <> 1
AND ...
While the IN would be equivalent to:
1 = NULL
OR 1 = 1
OR ...
Note that having NULL in the collection will not work, due to the quirky nature of NULL.
Yes. It is correct. Also NULL values should be compared with IS NULL