
Wrap Text inside fixed Div with css or javascript?

2019-01-20 00:18发布


I have tinymce editor(textarea) and one div. Whenever i type inside the text editor, it shows at the preview div which is (200px) in real time which is looks alike stackoverflow preview.

What I want to achieve is, if we type one words without space and if exceed 200px, I want to wrap it to the next line.

I tried to find it and I didn't find the solution yet. I tried this solution which i found here

    word-wrap: break-word; /* IE>=5.5 */  
    white-space: pre; /* IE>=6 */  
    white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* For Fx<=2 */   
    white-space: pre-wrap; /* Fx>3, Opera>8, Safari>3 */ 

It doesn't work well in IE7. It added the left and right space. So my div become so wide like the following image


In IE8, which is correct looks is like this.

img35.imageshack.us/img35/3915/ie8a.jpg (Please add http:// and view)

Opera 10 is not totally working also.

And then I have line count js also. Which is

var height = document.getElementById('divpreview').clientHeight;
var lines = Math.round(height / 10); 
document.getElementById('lines').innerHTML = lines;  
if(document.getElementById('divpreview').innerHTML == "")
     document.getElementById('lines').innerHTML = 0;  

If we use the above css code, it starting count from line 2 in all browsers except IE8 and 7.

I only want to works on all latest browser which is FF2,3,IE7,IE8,Safari,Chrome,Opera (latest).

Please help me out. Thanks.


I may be misunderstanding your issue, but it seems like all you need is a bit of CSS, specifically a max-width (for all the non-idiotic browsers) and a width with a wacky IE expression (for IE).

For instance

_width:expression(document.body.clientWidth > 200? "200px": "auto" );

When you combine that with the CSS you already have, it seems like it should work.


function GetWrapedText(text, maxlength) {    
    var resultText = [""];
    var len = text.length;    
    if (maxlength >= len) {
        return text;
    else {
        var totalStrCount = parseInt(len / maxlength);
        if (len % maxlength != 0) {

        for (var i = 0; i < totalStrCount; i++) {
            if (i == totalStrCount - 1) {
            else {
                var strPiece = text.substring(0, maxlength - 1);
                text = text.substring(maxlength - 1, text.length);
    return resultText.join("");