Best practice to check if DataRow contains a certa

2020-02-08 05:04发布


At the moment, when I iterate over the DataRow instances, I do this.

foreach(DataRow row in table)
  return yield new Thingy { Name = row["hazaa"] };

Sooner of later (i.e. sooner), I'll get the table to be missing the column donkey and the poo will hit the fan. After some extensive googling (about 30 seconds) I discovered the following protection syntax.

foreach(DataRow row in table)
    return yield new Thingy { Name = row["hazaa"] };
    return null;

Now - is this the simplest syntax?! Really? I was expecting a method that gets me the field if it exists or null otherwise. Or at least a Contains method directly on the row.

Am I missing something? I'll be mapping in many fields that way so the code will look dreadfully unreadable...


You can create an extension method to make it cleaner:

static class DataRowExtensions
    public static object GetValue(this DataRow row, string column)
        return row.Table.Columns.Contains(column) ? row[column] : null;

Now call it like below:

foreach(DataRow row in table)
    return yield new Thingy { Name = row.GetValue("hazaa") };


As your DataTable table always has the same columns ( they won`t change for any row ) you only need to check for the columnname once.

if (table.Columns.Contains("donkey"))
    foreach ...


foreach (DataColumn item in row.Table.Columns)
    switch (item.ColumnName)
        case "ID":
                p.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row[item.ColumnName].ToString());
        case "firstName":
                p.firstName = row[item.ColumnName].ToString();
        case "lastName":
                p.lastName = row[item.ColumnName].ToString();



To build on the answer by Varun K, use a generic type parameter:

public static T GetValue<T>(this DataRow row, string column)
    if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains(column))
        return default(T);

    object value = row[ColumnName];
    if (value == DBNull.Value)
        return default(T);
    return (T)value;

标签: c# dataset