Let's suppose I have the following class:
export default class Person {
constructor(first, last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
sayMyName() {
console.log(this.first + " " + this.last);
bla() {
return "bla";
Suppose I want to create a mocked class where method 'sayMyName' will be mocked and method 'bla' will stay as is.
The test I wrote is:
const Person = require("../Person");
jest.mock('../Person', () => {
return jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {sayMyName: () => {
return 'Hello'
let person = new Person();
test('MyTest', () => {
The first 'expect' statement passes, which means that 'sayMyName' was mocked successfully. But, the second 'expect' fails with the error:
TypeError: person.bla is not a function
I understand that the mocked class erased all methods.
I want to know how to mock a class such that only specific method(s) will be mocked.
I don't see how the mocked implementation actually solves anything for you. I think this makes a bit more sense
import Person from "./Person";
describe("Person", () => {
it("should...", () => {
const sayMyName = Person.prototype.sayMyName = jest.fn();
const person = new Person('guy', 'smiley');
const expected = {
first: 'guy',
last: 'smiley'
Using jest.spyOn()
is the proper Jest way of mocking a single method and leaving the rest be. Actually there are two slightly different approaches to this.
1. Modify the method only in a single object
import Person from "./Person";
test('Modify only instance', () => {
let person = new Person('Lorem', 'Ipsum');
let spy = jest.spyOn(person, 'sayMyName').mockImplementation(() => 'Hello');
// unnecessary in this case, putting it here just to illustrate how to "unmock" a method
2. Modify the class itself, so that all the instances are affected
import Person from "./Person";
beforeAll(() => {
jest.spyOn(Person.prototype, 'sayMyName').mockImplementation(() => 'Hello');
afterAll(() => {
test('Modify class', () => {
let person = new Person('Lorem', 'Ipsum');
And for the sake of completeness, this is how you'd mock a static method:
jest.spyOn(Person, 'myStaticMethod').mockImplementation(() => 'blah');
Have been asking similar question and I think figured out a solution. This should work no matter where Person class instance is actually used.
const Person = require("../Person");
jest.mock("../Person", function () {
const { default: mockRealPerson } = jest.requireActual('../Person');
mockRealPerson.prototype.sayMyName = function () {
return "Hello";
return mockRealPerson
test('MyTest', () => {
const person = new Person();
rather than mocking the class you could extend it like this:
class MockedPerson extends Person {
sayMyName () {
return 'Hello'
// and then
let person = new MockedPerson();
If you are using Typescript, you can do the following:
Person.prototype.sayMyName = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(async () =>
await 'my name is dev'
And in your test, you can do something like this:
const person = new Person();
const res = await person.sayMyName();
expect(res).toEqual('my name is dev');
Hope this helps someone!
I've combined both @sesamechicken and @Billy Reilly answers to create a util function that mock (one or more) specific methods of a class, without definitely impacting the class itself.
* @CrazySynthax class, a tiny bit updated to be able to easily test the mock.
class Person {
constructor(first, last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
sayMyName() {
return this.first + " " + this.last + this.yourGodDamnRight();
yourGodDamnRight() {
return ", you're god damn right";
* Return a new class, with some specific methods mocked.
* We have to create a new class in order to avoid altering the prototype of the class itself, which would
* most likely impact other tests.
* @param Klass: The class to mock
* @param functionNames: A string or a list of functions names to mock.
* @returns {Class} a new class.
export function mockSpecificMethods(Klass, functionNames) {
if (!Array.isArray(functionNames))
functionNames = [functionNames];
class MockedKlass extends Klass {
const functionNamesLenght = functionNames.length;
for (let index = 0; index < functionNamesLenght; ++index) {
let name = functionNames[index];
MockedKlass.prototype[name] = jest.fn();
return MockedKlass;
* Making sure it works
describe('Specific Mocked function', () => {
it('mocking sayMyName', () => {
const walter = new (mockSpecificMethods(Person, 'yourGodDamnRight'))('walter', 'white');
walter.yourGodDamnRight.mockReturnValue(", that's correct"); // yourGodDamnRight is now a classic jest mock;
expect(walter.sayMyName()).toBe("walter white, that's correct");
// assert that Person is not impacted.
const saul = new Person('saul', 'goodman');
expect(saul.sayMyName()).toBe("saul goodman, you're god damn right");