I want to convert a powerpoint presentation to multiple images. I already installed LibreOffice on my server and converting docx to pdf is no problem. pptx to pdf conversion does not work. I used following command line:
libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf filename.pptx
Is there es way to convert pptx to pngs immediately or do I have to convert it to pdf first and then use ghostscript or something?
And what about the quality settings? Is there a way to choose the resolution of the resulting images?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: According to this link I was able to convert a pdf to images with the simple command line:
convert <filename>.pdf <filename>.jpg
(I guess you need LibreOffice and ImageMagick for it but not sure about it - worked on my server)
But there are still the problems with the pptx-to-pdf convert.
Thanks to googling and Sebastian Heyn's help I was able to create some high quality images with this line:
convert -density 400 my_filename.pdf -resize 2000x1500 my_filename%d.jpg
Please be patient after using it - you still can type soemthing into the unix console but it's processing. Just wait a few minutes and the jpg files will be created.
For further information about the options check out this link
P.S.: The aspect ratio of a pptx file doesn't seem to be exactly 4:3 because the resulting image size is 1950x1500