How to open a directory in PHPStorm or IntelliJ (o

2020-02-07 19:50发布


Is there a way to open up a directory in PHPStorm or an equivalent Jetbrains IDE from the command line? For example, in Textmate, I would just do:

mate .

to open the working directory.


Use Tools -> Create command line launcher and then you can execute pstorm .


Here's how I got IntelliJ Command-line launcher to work with MAC Sierra (v 10.12.2).

This works with IntelliJ IDEA:

  1. Tools -> Create Command-line Launcher..
  2. Replace 'idea' in the string '/usr/local/bin/idea' with whatever you wish.
    (I use 'ij'), so for me its '/usr/local/bin/ij'.
  3. Open your terminal
  4. Navigate to the project/folder you want to open.
  5. Write the chars you wrote after 'bin/' and then '.'

    For me its ij .


On OS X: open -a '' file-or-folder


Here is the menu entry for v2016.2:

After that you can open folders with pstorm {myfolder}.

Hope it helps.


For PhpStorm on Windows:

  1. Add the PHPStorm's installation path to the Environment Variables "PATH" variable,

  2. Scroll to the project folder in the command line

  3. Issue the command phpstorm64.exe . if it is 64 bit machine or phpstorm.exe . for 32 bit machine.

I presume the same strategy will work for IntelliJ as well.


So the method Tools > Create command line launcher... no longer exists in OSX Intellij 2019.1

You can manually make this change via:

vim /usr/local/bin/idea

Change these lines appropriately from old version to new. should be something like this:

RUN_PATH = u'/Users/blahblah/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U/ch-0/191.6183.87/IntelliJ'
CONFIG_PATH = u'/Users/blahblah/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea2019.1'
SYSTEM_PATH = u'/Users/blahblah/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea2019.1'

If you don't know the new path then run something like:

ls /Users/blahblah/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U

or manually navigate via finder, then drag/drop the IntelliJ icon from finder into your cli to copy across the full path.


On MacOs edit ~./bash_profile add this line

alias pst="open -a ''"

now you can open phpstorm in a directory with

pst .