I need to select results from one table based on certain matching values in a couple of other tables. I have the following tables:
person: id, firstname, lastname
team: id, teamname
player: id, person_id(FK), team_id(FK)
coach: id, person_id(FK), team_id(FK)
I need to return all the coaches and players names for each team. I've only ever used inner joins, and it doesn't seem like I can use those here, so any idea how to do this?
This will give you the coach:
SELECT team.Teamname, person.Firstname, person.Lastname
FROM person
JOIN coach ON person.id = coach.person_id
JOIN team ON coach.team_id = team.id
And this will give you the players:
SELECT team.Teamname, person.Firstname, person.Lastname
FROM person
JOIN player ON person.id = player.person_id
JOIN team ON player.team_id = team.id
So, the non-elegant, simple answer is to just toss it all together with UNION
Just use an OR in the join to Team
person p id
LEFT JOIN player pl
ON p.id = pl.person_id
LEFT JOIN coach c
ON p.id = c.person_id
LEFT JOIN team t
ON pl.team_id = t.id
or.c.team_id = t.id
Or if you perfer if and your database has COALESCE
LEFT JOIN team t
ON COALESCE(pl.team_id,c.team_id) = t.id