limit the axes for plotting in Matlab [duplicate]

2020-02-07 13:39发布


This question already has an answer here:
Closed 7 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
is it possible to select a particular region in a scatterplot

is it possible to reduce the datapoints from the input text file, so that those dont come in my calculation. I am using following to read the data

fid = fopen('cr.txt');
A =  textscan(fid, '%f %f %f %f %f %*f %*f %*f %*f %*f %*s %*s %*s') ;
%read the file
a = A{1};
e = A{2};
c = A{3};
x = A{4};
y = A{5};

here x,y are the distances and if I apply xlim and ylim, I want to limit the corresponding a,e,c from the file also. the file has around million data points.

And I will be further plotting the x,y and z(which is calculated from a,e,c) as a scatter and colorbar the plotting code I am using for the entire data points is

scatter(x(1:end-1), y(1:end-1),5, lg);
caxis([14 max(lg)]);
xlabel(' X-axis (microns)');
ylabel('Y-axis (microns)');

the lg is determined from the a,e,c shown earlier. so all I want to do is do a plot between a selected portion of x,y and the corresponding lg.

please help!!


Yes you can specify the limits directly on the axes using set or by calling the xlim, ylim, and zlim functions

set(gca,'XLim', [10 20] ); % set the xlims to 10,20


xlim([10 20]); % set the xlims to 10,20


Well, this is probably too obvious to be the solution to your problem, but in this line:

scatter(x(1:end-1), y(1:end-1),5, lg);

If lg is the same size as x and y, then clearly this is wrong and you need to do:

scatter(x(1:end-1), y(1:end-1),5, lg(1:end-1));

If this does not solve your problem, then as I stated in my comment you must provide complete code that we can run to reproduce the problem, including sample data for the x, y, and lg vectors.