I use a FileTransfert plugin phonegap to upload picture from phone to server. The code work right but the name of picture upload is
But I want to save the picture with the same name does it have on phone to display then.
What shall i modify the code ?
Function js:
function uploadImage() {
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "";
// Get URI of picture to upload
//function(uri) {
function(imageURI) {
try {
// Pick image from div
var img = document.getElementById('pimage');
img.style.visibility = "visible";
img.style.display = "block";
//var imageURI = uri;
if (!imageURI || (img.style.display == "none")) {
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "Tap on picture to select image from gallery.";
// Verify server has been entered
server = document.getElementById('server').value;
console.log("Server "+server);
if (server) {
// Specify transfer options
var options = new FileUploadOptions();
options.chunkedMode = false;
options.headers = {
Connection: "close"
// Transfer picture to server
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.upload(imageURI, server, function(r) {
window.FilePath.resolveNativePath(imageURI, function(result) {
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "Upload successful: "+r.bytesSent+" bytes uploaded.";
/* window.FilePath.resolveNativePath(imageURI, function(result) {
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "Upload successful: "+r.bytesSent+" bytes uploaded."; */
// onSuccess code
imageURI = result;
img.src = imageURI;
img.width = 100;
img.height = 100;
function(error) {
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "Upload failed: Code = "+error.code;
}, options);
else {
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "Server Not Found";
catch(exce) {
function(e) {
console.log("Error getting picture: " + e);
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "No Image Found";
quality: 50,
destinationType: navigator.camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
sourceType: navigator.camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY
// Directory where uploaded images are saved
$dirname = "phonegapserver/uploads/";
// If uploading file
if ($_FILES) {
mkdir ($dirname, 0777, true);
// If retrieving an image
else if (isset($_GET['image'])) {
$file = $dirname."/".$_GET['image'];
// Specify as jpeg
header('Content-type: image/png');
// Resize image for mobile
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file);
$newWidth = 120.0;
$size = $newWidth / $width;
$newHeight = $height * $size;
$resizedImage = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight);
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
imagecopyresampled($resizedImage, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $width, $height);
imagejpeg($resizedImage, null, 80);
// If displaying images
else {
$baseURI = "http://".$_SERVER['localhost'].':'.$_SERVER['8080'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$images = scandir($dirname);
$ignore = Array(".", "..");
if ($images) {
foreach($images as $curimg){
if (!in_array($curimg, $ignore)) {
echo "Image: ".$curimg."<br>";
echo "<img src='".$baseURI."?image=".$curimg."&rnd=".uniqid()."'><br>";
else {
echo "No images on server";