I am having trouble figuring out how to create a sorting algorithm in VBA that sorts and swaps groups of rows (several rows at a time). I wrote a successful sorting algorithm using an array below:
Function SortArray(ByRef arrToSort As Variant)
Dim aLoop As Long, aLoop2 As Long
Dim str1 As String
Dim str2 As String
For aLoop = 1 To UBound(arrToSort)
For aLoop2 = aLoop To UBound(arrToSort)
If UCase(arrToSort(aLoop2)) < UCase(arrToSort(aLoop)) Then
str1 = arrToSort(aLoop)
str2 = arrToSort(aLoop2)
arrToSort(aLoop) = str2
arrToSort(aLoop2) = str1
End If
Next aLoop2
Next aLoop
SortArray = arrToSort
(where each element is an element of an array) but now I want to sort by swapping rows or groups of rows. I'll explain what I mean below.
I have a worksheet with headers at the top and rows of data underneath:
I want to write a command that works like the algorithm above. HOWEVER, instead of swapping elements of an array I want to swap entire groups of rows. Header3 ((Can be any string) determines the grouping. All groups on the worksheet are sorted individually and a grouping.
In order to do swap grouped rows, I wrote the following sub RowSwapper() that takes in two strings containing the rows to swap. (e.g. in the form rws1 = "3:5").
Public Sub RowSwapper(ByVal rws1 As String, ByVal rws2 As String)
ActiveSheet.Rows(rws2).Insert Shift:=xlDown
ActiveSheet.Rows(rws1).Insert Shift:=xlDown
MsgBox "RowSwapper: row" & rws1 & "swapped with row " & rws2
End Sub
Any ideas? My strategy, including code, is listed below:
MY STRATEGY: I have the arrays prLst and srtdPrLst. prLst is an array of sorting priorities. The position of the priority in prLst is the column (header) to which it refers. srtdPrLst, is an array containing those priorities sorted in numerically ascending order (e.g. 1,2,3....)
I loop through srtdPrLst while calling function FindPosition to find position of each priority. I loop backwards in order to sort in the proper order.
To sort groups of rows, I then use the same technique as the SortArray code above. However, I need to gather the rows in which a group exists. To do this, I have two Do While loops nested under the for loops, one for each group (since I am comparing two groups at). These rows are stored in variables grpCnt1 (for first compared group) and grpCnt1 (for second compared group).
Since individual groups are already sorted, I only need to compare the first row of each group. I compare the strings grp1Val with grp2Val with a simple If statement. If the strings are not in alphabetical order, I call rowSwapper (listed above) to swap them.
The code described is below:
lstRowVal = Int(ActiveSheet.Range("AB" & totCount).Value) 'The index in the array prLst is the column at which a priority is assigned to 'therefore, pos = column number 'Sorts backwards in order to get priorities in appriopriate order 'MsgBox "marker = " & marker
For prior2 = Int(UBound(srtdPrLst)) To 1 Step -1
MsgBox "prior2 = " & prior2
If Int(srtdPrLst(prior2)) > 0 Then
pos = FindPosition(Int(srtdPrLst(prior2)), prLst)
'Algorithm to sort groups
For lLoop = 2 To lstRowVal '2 b/c Starts at row below headers
'Find first group to compare
grp1Val = ActiveSheet.Range(Mid(alphabet, pos, 1) & lLoop).Value
hdToGrp1Val = ActiveSheet.Range(Mid(alphabet, hdrMrkr, 1) & lLoop).Value
'nextGrp1Val = ActiveSheet.Range(Mid(alphabet, pos, 1) & (lLoop + grpCnt1)).Value
nxtHdToGrp1 = ActiveSheet.Range(Mid(alphabet, hdrMrkr, 1) & (lLoop + grpCnt1)).Value
grpCnt1 = grpCnt1 + 1
Loop While nxtHdToGrp1 = hdToGrp1Val
For lLoop2 = lLoop To lstRowVal
'Find second group to compare
grp2Val = ActiveSheet.Range(Mid(alphabet, pos, 1) & lLoop2).Value
hdToGrp2Val = ActiveSheet.Range(Mid(alphabet, hdrMrkr, 1) & lLoop2).Value
nxtHdToGrp2 = ActiveSheet.Range(Mid(alphabet, hdrMrkr, 1) & (lLoop2 + grpCnt2)).Value
grpCnt2 = grpCnt2 + 1
Loop While nxtHdToGrp2 = hdToGrp2Val
If UCase(grp2Val) < UCase(grp1Val) Then
RowSwapper lLoop & ":" & (lLoop + grpCnt1), lLoop2 & ":" & (lLoop2 + grpCnt2)
End If
grp2Val = ""
lLoop2 = lLoop2 + grpCnt2
grpCnt2 = 0
Next lLoop2
grp1Val = ""
lLoop = lLoop + grpCnt1
grpCnt1 = 0
Next lLoop
End If
Next prior2