df <- data.frame(group=c(1,2,4,2,1,4,2,3,3),
df$ts <- as.Date(df$ts,format='%Y-%m-%d')
I want to find an operation that will produce the complete rows containing the minimum timestamp per group, in this case,
group ts letter
1 2013-02-01 e
4 2014-02-02 f
2 2014-02-11 d
3 2014-02-11 i
A quick and dirty (and slow) base R solution would be
dfo <- data.frame(df[order(df$ts,decreasing=F),],index=seq(1:nrow(df)))
mins <- tapply(dfo$index,dfo$group,min)
dfo[dfo$index %in% mins,]
Intuitively, I think if there was a way to add an order index by group then I could just filter to where that column's value is 1, but I'm not sure how to execute it without lots of subsetting and rejoining.