I am adding dynamically subPanel
to jPanel1
(with jTextField
and jButton
). Some of part code was borrowed from there.
I am trying to get text from components of jPanel1
, but cannot succeed.
This is a subPanel that contains jTextField
, +Button
and -Button
private class subPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel {
subPanel me;
public subPanel() {
me = this;
JTextField myLabel = new JTextField(15);
JButton myButtonRemove = new JButton("-");
JButton myButtonAdd = new JButton("+");
Here is code of AddButton:
jPanel1.add(new subPanel());
The code that I am trying to get text from jTextField
doesn't work:
Component[] children = jPanel1.getComponents();
for (int i=0;i<children.length;i++){
if (children[i] instanceof JTextField){
String text = ((JTextField)children[i]).getText();
Your response will be greatly appreciated.
Problem is: You are iterating over the children of jPanel1
And expect there to be a JTextField
if (children[i] instanceof JTextField){
String text = ((JTextField)children[i]).getText();
But since you have added subPanels
to jPanel1
, the children of jPanel1 are subPanels
, not JTextFields
So, in order to access the JTextFields
, you'll have to iterate over the children of the subPanels
in a second for-loop
Component[] children = jPanel1.getComponents();
// iterate over all subPanels...
for (Component sp : children) {
if (sp instanceof subPanel) {
Component[] spChildren = ((subPanel)sp).getComponents();
// now iterate over all JTextFields...
for (Component spChild : spChildren) {
if (spChild instanceof JTextField) {
String text = ((JTextField)spChild).getText();
I know this a bit old question to answer, but still it can potentially help more future viewers.
My initial response was to write this as a comment in @Oliver Schmidt , but as I don't have 50 Reputation yet, so decided to write this in a separate answer.
To get access to the components contained in the dynamically added jPanel "subPanel"
, you don't necessarily need to use second for loop, you can access subPanel
's components directly by using the following line of code, for example,
String s1 = ((subPanel) sp).jcb1.getSelectedItem().toString().substring(1, 2);
So the overall code looks like,
String s1;
String s2;
String s3;
String text;
Component[] c = jPanel1.getComponents();
for (Component sp : c) {
if (sp instanceof subPanel) {
//access the component from properly type converted subPanel
s1 = ((subPanel) sp).jcb1.getSelectedItem().toString().substring(1, 2);
s2 = ((subPanel) sp).jcb2.getSelectedItem().toString().substring(1, 2);
s3 = ((subPanel) sp).jcb3.getSelectedItem().toString().substring(1, 2);
text = ((subPanel) sp).myLabel.getText();