I am using spark-sql 2.4.x version , datastax-spark-cassandra-connector for Cassandra-3.x version. Along with kafka.
I have rates meta data of currency sample as below :
val ratesMetaDataDf = Seq(
).toDF("base_code", "rate_date","rate_value","target_code")
.withColumn("rate_date", to_date($"rate_date" ,"MM/dd/yyyy").cast(DateType))
.withColumn("rate_value", $"rate_value".cast(DoubleType))
Sales records which i received from kafka topic is , as (sample) below :
val kafkaDf = Seq((15,2016, 4, 100.5,"USD","2021-01-20","EUR",221.4)
).toDF("companyId", "year","quarter","sales","code","calc_date","c_code","prev_sales")
To calculate "prev_sales" , I need get its "c_code" 's respective "rate_value" which is nearest to the "calc_date" i.e. rate_date"
Which i am doing as following
val w2 = Window.orderBy(col("rate_date") desc)
val rateJoinResultDf = kafkaDf.as("k").join(ratesMetaDataDf.as("e"))
.where( ($"k.c_code" === $"e.base_code") &&
($"rate_date" < $"calc_date")
).orderBy($"rate_date" desc)
.where($"row" === 1).drop("row")
.withColumn("prev_sales", (col("prev_sales") * col("rate_value")).cast(DoubleType))
.select("companyId", "year","quarter","sales","code","calc_date","prev_sales")
In the above to get nearest record (i.e. "5/10/2019" from ratesMetaDataDf ) for given "rate_date" I am using window and row_number function and sorting the records by "desc".
But in the spark-sql streaming it is causing the error as below
Sorting is not supported on streaming DataFrames/Datasets, unless it is on aggregated DataFrame/Dataset in Complete output mode;;"
So how to fetch first record to join in the above.