Simple use case
I am using MVVM architecture and Android Architecture Components in my app.
After user logs in, I am fetching multiple network data and want to have access to it from different ViewModels attached to different Activities lifecycle.
I don't want to use Room Persistence Library in my app.
I have seen some question about sharing a ViewModel between Activities or using a LiveData as static member, but I think most of the cases we need to access the same data in multiple screens.
I want to share a solution, but if there is better one or there is an issue with this, please post your thoughts.
The idea is to have a Singleton Repository, which shares a LiveData between consumers (ViewModels).
class SharedLiveDataRepository(val dataSource: MyDataSource) {
// This LiveData is shared across consumers
private val result = MutableLiveData<Long>()
fun loadData(): LiveData<Long> {
if (result.value == null) {
result.value = dataSource.getData()
return result
If for some reason you would like to refresh the data, the loadItem
method can look like this
fun loadData(refresh: Boolean = false): LiveData<Long> {
if (refresh == true) {
result.value = null
if (result.value == null) {
result.value = dataSource.getData()
return result
Please Note: For refreshing the data it is possible to see a glitch.
Imagine a scenario when there is transition between two activities and first one is observing the LiveData and the second one starting refreshing it.
I think the solution for the above issue is to do the refresh in first activity and then navigate to the next one.