Incremental variable definition

2020-02-07 07:23发布


I want to automatically define incrementing variable names.

So instead of this:

$Var1 = 'This is variable one :P'
$Var2 = 'This is variable two :P'

I'd like this (pseudo code):

For $i = 1 to UBound($People)-1     
    **$var[$i]** = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($var[$i], 24, $y, 200, 17) 
    $y = $y + 25 

Does anyone know how?

The code should make as many checkboxes as defined in an array and every checkbox should have its own variable.


You're looking for the Assign function!

Check out this example:

For $i = 1 To 5
    Assign('var' & $i, $i);

Then you can access these variables with:

MsgBox(4096, "My dynamic variables", $var1)
MsgBox(4096, "My dynamic variables", $var3)
MsgBox(4096, "My dynamic variables", $var5)

Obviously, var2 and var3 can be utilised too :)

Edit: For clarity, what you would have been doing, if you had done it properly, was storing those values in an array - which is the best method for this kind of thing.


so instead of this:

$Var1 = 'This is variable one :P'
$Var2 = 'This is variable two :P'

I'd like this (pseudo code):

For $i = 1 to UBound($People)-1   
    **$var[$i]** = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($var[$i], 24, $y, 200, 17) 
    $y = $y + 25 

Does anyone know how this could be done?

As per Documentation - Intro - Arrays:

An Array is a variable containing a series of data elements. Each element in this variable can be accessed by an index number which relates to the position of the element within the Array - in AutoIt the first element of an Array is always element [0]. Arrays elements are stored in a defined order and can be sorted.

Dynamic checkbox creation example, assigning multiple checkbox-control identifiers to a single array (untested, no error-checking):

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

Global Const $g_iBoxStartX = 25
Global Const $g_iBoxStartY = 25
Global Const $g_iBoxWidth  = 100
Global Const $g_iBoxHeight = 15
Global Const $g_iBoxSpace  = 0
Global Const $g_iBoxAmount = Random(2, 20, 1)
Global Const $g_iBoxTextEx = $g_iBoxAmount -1
Global Const $g_sBoxTextEx = 'Your text here.'

Global Const $g_iWindDelay = 50
Global Const $g_iWinWidth  = $g_iBoxWidth * 2
Global Const $g_iWinHeight = ($g_iBoxStartY * 2) + ($g_iBoxHeight * $g_iBoxAmount) + ($g_iBoxSpace * $g_iBoxAmount)
Global Const $g_sWinTitle  = 'Example'

Global       $g_hGUI
Global       $g_aID


Func Main()

    $g_hGUI = GUICreate($g_sWinTitle, $g_iWinWidth, $g_iWinHeight)
    $g_aID  = GUICtrlCreateCheckboxMulti($g_iBoxStartX, $g_iBoxStartY, $g_iBoxWidth, $g_iBoxHeight, $g_iBoxSpace, $g_iBoxAmount)

    GUICtrlSetData($g_aID[$g_iBoxTextEx], $g_sBoxTextEx)
    GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_hGUI)

    While Not (GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE)




Func GUICtrlCreateCheckboxMulti(Const $iStartX, Const $iStartY, Const $iWidth, Const $iHeight, Const $iSpace, Const $iAmount, Const $sTextTpl = 'Checkbox #%s')
    Local $iYPosCur = 0
    Local $sTextCur = ''
    Local $aID[$iAmount]

    For $i1 = 0 To $iAmount -1

        $iYPosCur = $iStartY + ($iHeight * $i1) + ($iSpace * $i1)
        $sTextCur = StringFormat($sTextTpl, $i1 +1)
        $aID[$i1] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sTextCur, $iStartX, $iYPosCur, $iWidth, $iHeight)


    Return $aID
  • GUICtrlCreateCheckboxMulti() demonstrates
    • array declaration ($aID[$iAmount])
    • assignment of array elements in a For...To...Step...Next -loop ($aID[$i1] = ...).
  • Main() demonstrates selection of an individual element (changing its text using GUICtrlSetData()).
  • Adjust constants as required ($g_iBoxAmount etc.).