$reduce and $setUnion for nested arrays in MongoDB

2020-02-07 06:39发布


I am looking to merge nested arrays using $reduce and $setUnion in MongoDB. Following is the sample input -

levels: [

The output what I am intended to get (i.e. merge nested arrays with unique values) - levels: [80,100,120,150,100]

I am able to get the above output using two ways -

1) Using two $project stages in pipeline -

$project: { levels : { $reduce: {
input: "$levels", initialValue: [], in:{$setUnion:["$$value","$$this"]}}}},
$project: { levels : { $reduce: {
input: "$levels", initialValue: [], in:{$setUnion:["$$value","$$this"]}}}}

2) First $unwind and then $project

$unwind: { '$levels'}},
$project: { levels : { $reduce: {
input: "$levels", initialValue: [], in:{$setUnion:["$$value","$$this"]}}}}

Can there be any improved way of first option where I don't need to use the same $project twice? I am trying to avoid unwind.


You can use below aggregation with single $project stage

  { "$project": {
    "levels": {
      "$reduce": {
        "input": {
          "$reduce": {
            "input": "$levels",
            "initialValue": [],
            "in": { "$setUnion": ["$$this", "$$value"] }
        "initialValue": [],
        "in": { "$setUnion": ["$$this", "$$value"] }