I'm trying to filter out whole rows in R, but only if the frequencies for a particular set don't add up to more than 5.
The data I have looks a bit like this. It's a dataframe that I'm currently calling "Words":
SWORD sword 2
SWORD swerd 1
SWORD sworde 1
KNIGHT knight 6
KNIGHT kniht 2
KNIGHT knyt 1
I only want rows for which the frequencies within a particular headword add up to more than 5. So here, I want to keep all the instances of KNIGHT but I want to get rid of all the SWORD rows entirely.
I tried to do this on dplyr, but with no success. This is the code I tried:
Words1 %>% group_by(HW) %>% filter(Fr > 5)
I'm out of ideas as to how else to do it and I'd really appreciate any help!