Hello I am looking to update my chrome driver to the latest version but ant find any information on updating the driver just info on installing it. What do I need to do to update the driver to the latest version?
chromedriver is a single self-contained executable file. Just replace your existing version with a newer one.
- download the latest version of chromedriver_win32.zip from https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads
- unzip the file to extract chromedriver.exe
- replace your existing file with this new executable.
Recently I found that chromedriver
has almost one-to-one version accordance now (there was three-last-releases support policy for chromedriver 2.46
). See version selection guide here: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads/version-selection
I've wrote simple powershell script for updating chromedriver
Run this script when you need to update crhomedriver
(I run this script as build step in my CI, just before I run selenium web tests):
$thisScriptRoot = if ($PSScriptRoot -eq "") { "." } else { $PSScriptRoot }
$chromeDriverRelativeDir = "Selenium"
$chromeDriverDir = $(Join-Path $thisScriptRoot $chromeDriverRelativeDir)
$chromeDriverFileLocation = $(Join-Path $chromeDriverDir "chromedriver.exe")
$chromeVersion = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe").FileVersion
$chromeMajorVersion = $chromeVersion.split(".")[0]
if (-Not (Test-Path $chromeDriverDir -PathType Container)) {
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $chromeDriverDir
if (Test-Path $chromeDriverFileLocation -PathType Leaf) {
# get version of curent chromedriver.exe
$chromeDriverFileVersion = (& $chromeDriverFileLocation --version)
$chromeDriverFileVersionHasMatch = $chromeDriverFileVersion -match "ChromeDriver (\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?)"
$chromeDriverCurrentVersion = $matches[1]
if (-Not $chromeDriverFileVersionHasMatch) {
else {
# if chromedriver.exe not found, will download it
$chromeDriverCurrentVersion = ''
if ($chromeMajorVersion -lt 73) {
# for chrome versions < 73 will use chromedriver v2.46 (which supports chrome v71-73)
$chromeDriverExpectedVersion = "2.46"
$chromeDriverVersionUrl = "https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE"
else {
$chromeDriverExpectedVersion = $chromeVersion.split(".")[0..2] -join "."
$chromeDriverVersionUrl = "https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE_" + $chromeDriverExpectedVersion
$chromeDriverLatestVersion = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $chromeDriverVersionUrl
Write-Output "chrome version: $chromeVersion"
Write-Output "chromedriver version: $chromeDriverCurrentVersion"
Write-Output "chromedriver latest: $chromeDriverLatestVersion"
# will update chromedriver.exe if MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
$needUpdateChromeDriver = $chromeDriverCurrentVersion -ne $chromeDriverLatestVersion
if ($needUpdateChromeDriver) {
$chromeDriverZipLink = "https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/" + $chromeDriverLatestVersion + "/chromedriver_win32.zip"
Write-Output "Will download $chromeDriverZipLink"
$chromeDriverZipFileLocation = $(Join-Path $chromeDriverDir "chromedriver_win32.zip")
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $chromeDriverZipLink -OutFile $chromeDriverZipFileLocation
Expand-Archive $chromeDriverZipFileLocation -DestinationPath $(Join-Path $thisScriptRoot $chromeDriverRelativeDir) -Force
Remove-Item -Path $chromeDriverZipFileLocation -Force
$chromeDriverFileVersion = (& $chromeDriverFileLocation --version)
Write-Output "chromedriver updated to version $chromeDriverFileVersion"
else {
Write-Output "chromedriver is actual"
You can configure relative directory where you need to place chromedriver
with $chromeDriverRelativeDir
variable, relatively of script location.