Here is the sample code which I am not able to solve. I did it using javascript, but when I am doing using jQuery, I do not able to target the element.
Script :
var element = window.parent.document.getElementById('iframeOne');
//this is working fine
But i want to do using jQuery. So how can I target the element?
Perhaps you want to do something like this
$('#iframeOne', window.parent.document);
Another way to do it
Another way
$("#iframeOne", top.document);
If you know the name of the parent window, you can also do
Here opener
is the name of the window.
to select element with id within the parent window
Use this:
var ele = $('#iframeOne', window.parent.document);
var ele = $(window.parent.document).find("#iframeOne");
The jQuery selector syntax for id is to use a # before the id name
in you case it should be $('#iframeOne')
an optional context can also be used like $('#iframeOne, window.parent.document)
. The default context is document root.