I set myself a little task to acquire some basic Rust knowledge. The task was:
Read some key-value pairs from stdin and put them into a hashmap.
This, however, turned out to be a trickier challenge than expected. Mainly due to the understanding of lifetimes. The following code is what I currently have after a few experiments, but the compiler just doesn't stop yelling at me.
use std::io;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let mut input = io::stdin();
let mut lock = input.lock();
let mut lines_iter = lock.lines();
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for line in lines_iter {
let text = line.ok().unwrap();
let kv_pair: Vec<&str> = text.words().take(2).collect();
map.insert(kv_pair[0], kv_pair[1]);
println!("{}", map.len());
The compiler basically says:
`text` does not live long enough
As far as I understand, this is because the lifetime of 'text' is limited to the scope of the loop. The key-value pair that I'm extracting within the loop is therefore also bound to the loops boundaries. Thus, inserting them to the outer map would lead to a dangling pointer since 'text' will be destroyed after each iteration. (Please tell me if I'm wrong)
The big question is: How to solve this issue?
My intuition says:
Make an "owned copy" of the key value pair and "expand" it's lifetime to the outer scope .... but I have no idea how to achieve this.