I have created a startup activity from where I am calling another activity which has a view pager and shows some introductory pages.
This app was taking time to load so I thought to display a progress dialog till the activity loads, but that progress dialog also appears few seconds later.
startup activity:
public class StartUpActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
boolean isUserFirstTime, login;
public static String PREF_USER_FIRST_TIME;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
isUserFirstTime = Boolean.valueOf(Utils.readSharedSetting(StartUpActivity.this, PREF_USER_FIRST_TIME, "true"));
Intent introIntent = new Intent(StartUpActivity.this, SlidingActivity.class);
introIntent.putExtra(PREF_USER_FIRST_TIME, isUserFirstTime);
ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(StartUpActivity.this);
dialog.setMessage("Welcome to Mea Vita, please wait till the app loads.");
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//Here you can send the extras.
startActivity(new Intent(StartUpActivity.this,SlidingActivity.class));
// close this activity
}, 4000);
This doesn't happen every time,only sometimes. What can be the possible reason for this? how can I stop this? Any solution? Thank you..