
doctrine2 findby two columns OR condition

2020-02-07 03:05发布


My action:

   $matches_request = $em->getRepository('Bundle:ChanceMatch')->findByRequestUser(1);
   $matches_reply = $em->getRepository('Bundle:ChanceMatch')->findByReplyUser(1);

Is it possible to join the querys with an or condition with getRepository, eg.

$matches_reply = $em->getRepository('FrontendChancesBundle:ChanceMatch')->findBy(array('requestUser' => 1, 'replyUser' => 1); 
//this of course gives me the a result when `requestUser` and `replyUser` is `1`. 

My table

id | requestUser | replyUser
12 |      1      |     2
13 |      5      |     1

My query should return the id 12 & 13.

Thanks for help!


You can use QueryBuilder or create a custom repository for that entity and create a function that internally use QueryBuilder.

$qb = $em->getRepository('FrontendChancesBundle:ChanceMatch')->createQueryBuilder('cm');
        $qb->expr()->eq('cm.requestUser', ':requestUser'),
        $qb->expr()->eq('cm.replyUser', ':replyUser')
    ->setParameter('requestUser', $requestUserId)
    ->setParameter('replyUser', $replyUserId)
$matches_reply = $qb->getQuery()->getSingleResult();
// $matches_reply = $qb->getQuery()->getResult(); // use this if there can be more than one result

For more information on custom Repository see official documentation:



It's possible to use Criteria for the complex queries with getRepository():

$criteria = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria();
  ->orWhere($criteria->expr()->contains('domains', 'a'))
  ->orWhere($criteria->expr()->contains('domains', 'b'));

$domain->ages = $em