I'm trying to implement a stable (first in first out) priority queue in Java. Supposing that the key is a name and the value is an age, I know I can make an unstable priority queue like this:
Queue<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> pq = new PriorityQueue<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>(100, ageComparator);
This does pretty much everything that I need it to, except that it doesn't maintain order of key-value pairs as I insert them (or remove them).
I've found a "work around" by making a LinkedList, which offers essentially all of the same functionality, except that it doesn't include a constructor with a comparator option, and I feel that it must be slower since I maintain value ordering by calling Collections.sort()
after each queue operation.
So I guess that really there are two options that I'm interested in. First, how could I edit the PriorityQueue above to maintain insertion and removal order? Or second, how could I force my LinkedList option to use a comparator immediately rather than having to call a sort on each operation? Thanks!
Thanks for the good question in the first comment that was posted. By FIFO, I mean that for key-value pairs with equal values, the pair which is put in first should be extracted first.