I have to implement a BubbleSort algorithm on a Linked List instead of an array. I'm new to java so I don't really know how to put it in code. But I gave it a try and here's what I got:
public class SinglyNode
public Object names;
public SinglyNode next;
public SinglyNode (Object name1)
names = name1;
public SinglyNode (Object name2, SinglyNode next1)
names = name2;
next = next1;
Object getObject()
return names;
SinglyNode getNext()
return next;
void displayLink()
System.out.print("{" + names + "}");
LinkList.java I think my problem is here in the method. I dunno how to implement the BubbleSort so it would sort the Object names in ascending order.
public class LinkList
SinglyNode first;
public boolean isEmpty()
return (first == null);
void insertFirst(Object name1)
SinglyNode newNode1 = new SinglyNode(name1);
newNode1.next = first;
first = newNode1;
SinglyNode delete(Object name2)
SinglyNode temp = first;
first = first.next;
return temp;
void display()
System.out.print("LIST: \n");
SinglyNode current = first;
while(current != null)
current.displayLink(); // print data
current = current.next; // move to next link
void bubbleSort()
Object n = first;
Object temp = first;
if (na.compareTo(first) < first.compareTo(na))
temp = na.compareTo(first);
} else {
temp = first.compareTo(na);
private void swap(Object one, Object two)
Object temp = one.names;
one.names = two.names;
two.names = temp;
public class SinglyLinkList
public static void main (String args[])
LinkList list = new LinkList();
In your list it will help to have a size field, to store the number of elements in the list. Also make the class SinglyNode implement Comparable
so the compareTo
method behaves as you want. The in-place swapping of two elements in Single LinkedList is actually quite involved, and the performance is really bad!
public void bubbleSort
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = i; j < size; j++)
if (elementAt(j).compareTo(elementAt(j+1)) > 0)
swap(j, j + 1);
public SinglyNode elementAt(int index)
SinglyNode temp = first;
for (int i = 0, i < index; i++)
temp = temp.getNext();
return temp;
public void swap(int firstIndex, int secondIndex)
SinglyNode secondNext = elementAt(secondIndex).getNext();
SinglyNode second = elementAt(secondIndex);
SinglyNode first = elementAt(first);
SinglyNode firstPrevious = elementAt(first - 1);
You need to implement the Comparable interface in the SinglyNode and use the string compare method inside the implementation. Something like:
public void compareTo(SinglyNode node){
return this.names.toString.compareTo(node.getNames().toString());
Or better just this.names.compareTo(node.getNames());
However instead of just use Object class, I would the use Comparable interface for those wildcard objects.
Since it is homework/assignment, I will give a hint instead of direct solution. Bubble sort can be abstracted to this two operations: iteration over collection and swapping elements. Those operations are implemented differently with array or linked list, but the algoritm is the same. You have iteration in display
, now you need to implement swapping then do (very abstract pseudocode:
iterate {
iterate {
if el.Compare(elNext) > 0 {
swap(el, el.Next);
1) You need to implement Comparable
2) You also need to use the swap method in bubblesort. Currently you are not using this and it will only compare the two objects without swapping them in the actual list.
Use the tutorial for the Comparable
Example linked list bubble sort that doesn't emulate random access using an elementAt() function, and instead operates via the links between nodes, so time complexity is O(n^2) instead of being much worse. "end" is used to keep track of where the sorted nodes at the end of the list begin. I used the example code from the question and didn't bother changing the class to comparable, using toString() instead for the compare. I used a dummy node to simplify the code.
void bubbleSort()
if(first == null)
SinglyNode dmy = new SinglyNode("dummy"); // dummy node
dmy.next = first;
// end == null or first sorted node at end of list
SinglyNode end = null;
int swap;
swap = 0;
SinglyNode prv = dmy; // previous node
SinglyNode cur = prv.next; // current node
SinglyNode nxt = cur.next; // next node
if(nxt == end){ // if at end node
end = cur; // update end = cur
break; // and break
// if out of order, swap nodes
if(cur.names.toString().compareTo(nxt.names.toString()) > 0){
cur.next = nxt.next;
nxt.next = cur;
prv.next = nxt;
swap = 1;
prv = prv.next; // advance to next node
}while(swap != 0); // repeat untl no swaps
first = dmy.next; // update first
For bubble sort, both the loops must start from 0. Some versions of that algorithm start the inner loop at where the outer loop is. Doing so will cause issues for some data.
If ... you have an array with the following that you want sorted:
the sorted array if both loops start at 0 would be: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 23
But if the inner loop starts at j=i, the sorted array would be 23, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5. This is because the inner loop moves on from the first element (which will be 3) after it puts 23 in the correct place and never figures out where to place 3 anymore