Basically I want my range type to be implicitly convertible from Range<const char>
to Range<const unsigned char>
. std::enable_if seems impossible because the function takes no arguments and has no return. Whats the work around?
Here is basically what I tried:
template<typename T>
class Range{
T* begin_;
T* end_;
Range(T* begin,T* end):begin_{begin},end_{end}{}
template<int N>
Range(T (&a)[N]):begin_{static_cast<T*>(&a[0])},end_{static_cast<T*>(&a[N-1])}{}
T* Begin(){return begin_;}
T* End(){return end_;}
operator typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T,const char>::value,Range<const unsigned char>&>::Type (){
return *reinterpret_cast<Range<const unsigned char>*>(this);