I have asked this question yesterday as well, but this one includes code.
My application have multiple modules and 2 types of user accounts, Some modules are loaded always
which are present in application.config.php
some of them are conditional
i.e. some are loaded for user type A
and some for user type B
After going through documentations and questions on Stack Overflow, I understand some of ModuleManager functionalities and started implementing the logic that I though might work.
Some how I figured out a way to load the modules that are not present in application.config.php
[SUCCESS] but their configuration is not working [THE ISSUE] i.e. if in onBootstrap
method I get the ModuleManager
service and do getLoadedModules()
I get the list of all the modules correctly loaded. Afterwards if I try to get some service from that dynamically loaded module, it throws exception.
Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for jobs_mapper
Please note that, the factories and all other stuff are perfectly fine because if I load the module from application.config.php it works fine
Similarly when I try to access any route from the dynamically loaded module it throws 404 Not Found
which made it clear that the configuration from module.config.php of these modules are not loading even though the module is loaded by ModuleManager.
In Module.php of my Application module I implemented InitProviderInterface
and added a method init(ModuleManager $moduleManager)
where I catch the moduleManager loadModules.post event trigger and load modules
public function init(\Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManagerInterface $moduleManager)
$eventManager = $moduleManager->getEventManager();
$eventManager->attach(\Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent::EVENT_LOAD_MODULES_POST, [$this, 'onLoadModulesPost']);
Then in the same class I delcare the method onLoadModulesPost
and start loading my dynamic modules
public function onLoadModulesPost(\Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent $event)
/* @var $serviceManager \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager */
$serviceManager = $event->getParam('ServiceManager');
$configListener = $event->getConfigListener();
$authentication = $serviceManager->get('zfcuser_auth_service');
if ($authentication->getIdentity())
$moduleManager = $event->getTarget();
$loadedModules = $moduleManager->getModules();
$configListener = $event->getConfigListener();
$configuration = $configListener->getMergedConfig(false);
$modules = $modulesMapper->findAll(['is_agency' => 1, 'is_active' => 1]);
foreach ($modules as $module)
if (!array_key_exists($module['module_name'], $loadedModules))
$loadedModule = $moduleManager->loadModule($module['module_name']);
//Add modules to the modules array from ModuleManager.php
$loadedModules[] = $module['module_name'];
//Get the loaded module
$module = $moduleManager->getModule($module['module_name']);
//If module is loaded succesfully, merge the configs
if (($loadedModule instanceof ConfigProviderInterface) || (is_callable([$loadedModule, 'getConfig'])))
$moduleConfig = $module->getConfig();
$configuration = ArrayUtils::merge($configuration, $moduleConfig);
- Is it possible to achieve what I am trying ?
- If so, what is the best way ?
- What am I missing in my code ?