
Bing Search API Azure Marketplace Authentication i

2019-01-19 21:32发布


How can I authenticate in Java to use the new bing search api from Azure Marketplace?The migration guide does not provide you with info about Java


You'll need to encode your accountKey to Base64 and pass it to each request using the Authorization header.

String bingUrl = "https://api.datamarket.azure.com/Bing/Search/................";

byte[] accountKeyBytes = Base64.encodeBase64((accountKey + ":" + accountKey).getBytes());
String accountKeyEnc = new String(accountKeyBytes);

URL url = new URL(bingUrl);
URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection();
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + accountKeyEnc);


This code is based on the the PHP example found in the Migrating to the Bing Search API in Windows Azure Marketplace document.

Update: Modified the encodeBase64 call, it should be like this: accountKey + ":" + accountKey