I am having some trouble figuring out how to replace multiple characters in a string.I am trying to write a functions called replace(string) that takes in an input, and replaces certain letters in the input with another letter.
Lets say I have the string "WXYZ" and I want to replace all the W with Y, X with Z, Y with W, and Z with X. I want it to do the replacement no matter what the input is. so if I also do something like replace("WWZXWWXYYZWYYY") it should replace the letters like I said above.
This is what I have done so far:
def replace(string):
for letters in string:
string = string.replace("W","Y").replace("X","Z").replace("Y","W").replace("Z","X")
but when I run it with replace("WXYZ")
I get the output of the code as: WXWX
Instead of getting YZWX as the output. I also want to use the built in functions of python as well. Can someone help me figure this out, thank you!