I am new to ggplot so bear with me. I am charting out growth projections for 35 small-area geographies which is an unhealthy amount for one plot even with use of the fantastic directlabels
library. However I need all the series for initial screening.
The challenge is to make it readable. I found a fix by @Ben Bolker for using large numbers of distinct colors but am having trouble varying the linetype. The 35 series don't need to be unique, but I would like to use the 12 different types to make individual series easier to read.
My plan was to create a random list with 35 elements of the 12 possible types and pass that as the linetype argument, but I am having trouble getting it to work, with the error:
Error: Aesthetics must either be length one, or the same length as the dataProblems:lty
I have 35 values in the linetype list. Of course I would like for the types, colors and all to be reflected in the legend.
The melted data looks like this; 9 years' observations for each of 35 series:
> simulation_long_index[16:24,]
year geography value
16 2018 sfr_2 101.1871
17 2019 sfr_2 101.1678
18 2020 sfr_2 101.2044
19 2012 sfr_3 100.0000
20 2013 sfr_3 100.1038
21 2014 sfr_3 100.2561
22 2015 sfr_3 100.0631
23 2016 sfr_3 100.8071
24 2017 sfr_3 101.2405
Here is my code so far:
lty <- data.frame(lty=letters[1:12][sample(1:12, 35,replace=T)])
geom_line(size=.65) +
scale_colour_manual(values=manyColors(35)) +
geom_point(size=2.5) +
xlab("Year") +
ylab(paste("Indexed Value (Rel. to 2012")) +
opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=90, hjust=0))
scale_linetype_manual("",values=lty$lty) +
after scale_color_manual instead of the linetype argument produces the chart, but lines are all the same. How, then, do I get the lines to vary for large series counts?