Ok, so I'm attempting to do an exercise from a book I'm using to learn Java. Here is the code that I have so far:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
public class Calculator {
//Declaration of all calculator's components.
JPanel windowContent;
JTextField displayField;
JButton button0;
JButton button1;
JButton button2;
JButton button3;
JButton button4;
JButton button5;
JButton button6;
JButton button7;
JButton button8;
JButton button9;
JButton buttonPoint;
JButton buttonAdd;
JButton buttonEqual;
JPanel pl;
//Constructor creates the components in memory and adds the to the frame using combination of Borderlayout.
Calculator() {
windowContent= new JPanel();
// Set the layout manager for this panel
BorderLayout bl = new BorderLayout();
//Create the display field and place it in the North area of the window
displayField = new JTextField(30);
//Create button field and place it in the North area of the window
button0=new JButton("0");
button1=new JButton("1");
button2=new JButton("2");
button3=new JButton("3");
button4=new JButton("4");
button5=new JButton("5");
button6=new JButton("6");
button7=new JButton("7");
button8=new JButton("8");
button9=new JButton("9");
buttonAdd=new JButton("+");
buttonPoint = new JButton(".");
buttonEqual=new JButton("=");
//Create the panel with the GridLayout that will contain 12 buttons - 10 numeric ones, and button with the points
//and the equal sign.
pl = new JPanel ();
GridLayout gl =new GridLayout(4,3);
//Add window controls to the panel pl.
//Add the panel pl to the center area of the window
//Create the frame and set its content pane
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Calculator");
//set the size of the window to be big enough to accomodate all controls.
//Finnaly, display the window
public static void main(String[] args) {
Calculator calc = new Calculator();
Here is the exercise in exact wording:
Modify the class Calculator.java to keep all numeric buttons in the 10-element array declared as follows:
Buttons[] numButtons= new Buttons[10];
Replace 10 lines that start from
button0=new JButton("0");
with a loop that creates the buttons and store them in this array.
Ok, so I tried declaring the array with the Buttons[] numbuttons line
, but that just gave me the error:
Multiple markers at this line
-Buttons can not be resolved to a type
-Buttons can not be resolved to a type
I instead tried this:
JButton[] buttons = new JButton[10]
And then added each button to the array like this:
buttons[0] = "button0";
Doing this didn't give me an error when I declared the array, but when I wrote the buttons[0]
line, I got this error:
Syntax error on token "buttons",delete this token
So, I need help figuring out how to do this. Also, the book can be found here: http://myflex.org/books/java4kids/JavaKid811.pdf and the practice is on page 73. I apologize if I'm listing to much information. It's just because I'm very new to Java and I'm not sure what is necessary. Help is appreciated. Thanks.