I'm writing a system where I have a collection of Object
s, and each Object
has a unique integral ID. Here's how I would do it in C++:
class Object {
Object(): id_(nextId_++) { }
int id_;
static int nextId_;
int Object::nextId_ = 1;
This is obviously not thread_safe, but if I wanted it to be, I could make nextId_
an std::atomic_int
, or wrap a mutex around the nextId_++
How would I do this in (preferably safe) Rust? There's no static struct members, nor are global mutable variables safe. I could always pass nextId
into the new
function, but these objects are going to be allocated in a number of places, and I would prefer not to pipe the nextId
number hither and yon. Thoughts?
nor are global mutable variables safe
Your C++ example seems like it would have thread-safety issues, but I don't know enough C++ to be sure.
However, only unsynchronized global mutable variables are trouble. If you don't care about cross-thread issues, you can use a thread-local:
use std::cell::Cell;
struct Monster {
id: usize,
health: u8,
thread_local!(static MONSTER_ID: Cell<usize> = Cell::new(0));
impl Monster {
fn new(health: u8) -> Monster {
MONSTER_ID.with(|thread_id| {
let id = thread_id.get();
thread_id.set(id + 1);
Monster { id, health }
fn main() {
let gnome = Monster::new(41);
let troll = Monster::new(42);
println!("gnome {:?}", gnome);
println!("troll {:?}", troll);
If you do want something that works better with multiple threads, check out bluss' answer, which shows how to use an atomic variable.
Atomic variables can live in statics, so you can use it relatively straightforwardly (the downside is that you have global state).
Example code: (playground link)
use std::{
sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
static OBJECT_COUNTER: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
struct Object(usize);
impl Object {
fn new() -> Self {
Object(OBJECT_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst))
fn main() {
let threads = (0..10)
.map(|_| thread::spawn(|| Object::new()))
for t in threads {
println!("{:?}", t.join().unwrap());