Enum from String

2020-02-05 12:30发布


I have an Enum and a function to create it from a String because i couldn't find a built in way to do it


Visibility visibilityFromString(String value){
  return Visibility.values.firstWhere((e)=>

//used as
Visibility x = visibilityFromString('COLLAPSED');

but it seems like i have to rewrite this function for every Enum i have, is there a way to write the same function where it takes the Enum type as parameter? i tried to but i figured out that i can't cast to Enum.

//is something with the following signiture actually possible?
     dynamic enumFromString(Type enumType,String value){



Using mirrors you could force some behaviour. I had two ideas in mind. Unfortunately Dart does not support typed functions:

import 'dart:mirrors';


class EnumFromString<T> {
  T get(String value) {
    return (reflectType(T) as ClassMirror).getField(#values).reflectee.firstWhere((e)=>e.toString().split('.')[1].toUpperCase()==value.toUpperCase());

dynamic enumFromString(String value, t) {
  return (reflectType(t) as ClassMirror).getField(#values).reflectee.firstWhere((e)=>e.toString().split('.')[1].toUpperCase()==value.toUpperCase());

void main() {
  var converter = new EnumFromString<Visibility>();

  Visibility x = converter.get('COLLAPSED');

  Visibility y = enumFromString('HIDDEN', Visibility);




Mirrors aren't always available, but fortunately you don't need them. This is reasonably compact and should do what you want.

enum Fruit { apple, banana }

// Convert to string
String str = Fruit.banana.toString();

// Convert to enum
Fruit f = Fruit.values.firstWhere((e) => e.toString() == str);

assert(f == Fruit.banana);  // it worked

Fix: As mentioned by @frostymarvelous in the comments section, this is correct implementation:

Fruit f = Fruit.values.firstWhere((e) => e.toString() == 'Fruit.' + str);


Collin Jackson's solution didn't work for me because Dart stringifies enums into EnumName.value rather than just value (for instance, Fruit.apple), and I was trying to convert the string value like apple rather than converting Fruit.apple from the get-go.

With that in mind, this is my solution for the enum from string problem

enum Fruit {apple, banana}

Fruit getFruitFromString(String fruit) {
  fruit = 'Fruit.$fruit';
  return Fruit.values.firstWhere((f)=> f.toString() == fruit, orElse: () => null);


My solution is identical to Rob C's solution but without string interpolation:

T getEnumFromString<T>(Iterable<T> values, String value) {
  return values.firstWhere((type) => type.toString().split(".").last == value,
      orElse: () => null);


This is all so complicated I made a simple library that gets the job done:


import 'package:enum_to_string:enum_to_string.dart';

enum TestEnum { testValue1 };

    String result = EnumToString.parse(TestEnum.testValue1);
    //result = 'testValue1'

    String resultCamelCase = EnumToString.parseCamelCase(TestEnum.testValue1);
    //result = 'Test Value 1'

    final result = EnumToString.fromString(TestEnum.values, "testValue1");
    // TestEnum.testValue1


I improved Collin Jackson's answer using Dart 2.7 Extension Methods to make it more elegant.

enum Fruit { apple, banana }

extension EnumParser on String {
  Fruit toFruit() {
    return Fruit.values.firstWhere(
        (e) => e.toString().toLowerCase() == 'fruit.$this'.toLowerCase(),
        orElse: () => null); //return null if not found

main() {
  Fruit apple = 'apple'.toFruit();
  assert(apple == Fruit.apple); //true


There are a couple of enums packages which allowed me to get just the enum string rather than the type.value string (Apple, not Fruit.Apple).

https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/built_value (this is more up to date)


void main() {
  print(MyEnum.nr1.index);            // prints 0
  print(MyEnum.nr1.toString());       // prints nr1
  print(MyEnum.valueOf("nr1").index); // prints 0
  print(MyEnum.values[1].toString())  // prints nr2
  print(MyEnum.values.last.index)     // prints 2
  print(MyEnum.values.last.myValue);  // prints 15


@Collin Jackson has a very good answer IMO. I had used a for-in loop to achieve a similar result prior to finding this question. I am definitely switching to using the firstWhere method.

Expanding on his answer this is what I did to deal with removing the type from the value strings:

enum Fruit { apple, banana }

class EnumUtil {
    static T fromStringEnum<T>(Iterable<T> values, String stringType) {
        return values.firstWhere(
                (f)=> "${f.toString().substring(f.toString().indexOf('.')+1)}".toString()
                    == stringType, orElse: () => null);

main() {
    Fruit result = EnumUtil.fromStringEnum(Fruit.values, "apple");
    assert(result == Fruit.apple);

Maybe someone will find this useful...


I had the same problem with building objects from JSON. In JSON values are strings, but I wanted enum to validate if the value is correct. I wrote this helper which works with any enum, not a specified one:

class _EnumHelper {

 var cache = {};

  dynamic str2enum(e, s) {
    var o = {};
    if (!cache.containsKey(e)){
      for (dynamic i in e) {
        o[i.toString().split(".").last] = i;
      cache[e] = o;
    } else {
      o = cache[e];
    return o[s];

_EnumHelper enumHelper = _EnumHelper();


enumHelper.str2enum(Category.values, json['category']);

PS. I did not use types on purpose here. enum is not type in Dart and treating it as one makes things complicated. Class is used solely for caching purposes.


Here is the function that converts given string to enum type:

EnumType enumTypeFromString(String typeString) => EnumType.values
    .firstWhere((type) => type.toString() == "EnumType." + typeString);

And here is how you convert given enum type to string:

String enumTypeToString(EnumType type) => type.toString().split(".")[1];


I had the same problem in one of my projects and existing solutions were not very clean and it didn't support advanced features like json serialization/deserialization.

Flutter natively doesn't currently support enum with values, however, I managed to develop a helper package Vnum using class and reflectors implementation to overcome this issue.

Address to the repository:


To answer your problem using Vnum, you could implement your code as below:

class Visibility extends Vnum<String> {
  static const VISIBLE = const Visibility.define("VISIBLE");
  static const COLLAPSED = const Visibility.define("COLLAPSED");
  static const HIDDEN = const Visibility.define("HIDDEN");

  const Visibility.define(String fromValue) : super.define(fromValue);
  factory Visibility(String value) => Vnum.fromValue(value,Visibility);

You can use it like :

var visibility = Visibility('COLLAPSED');

There's more documentation in the github repo, hope it helps you out.


I think my approach is slightly different, but might be more convenient in some cases. Finally, we have parse and tryParse for enum types:

import 'dart:mirrors';

class Enum {
  static T parse<T>(String value) {
    final T result = (reflectType(T) as ClassMirror).getField(#values)
        .reflectee.firstWhere((v)=>v.toString().split('.').last.toLowerCase() == value.toLowerCase()) as T;
    return result;

  static T tryParse<T>(String value, { T defaultValue }) {
    T result = defaultValue;
    try {
      result = parse<T>(value);
    } catch(e){
    return result;

EDIT: this approach is NOT working in the Flutter applications, by default mirrors are blocked in the Flutter because it causes the generated packages to be very large.


You can add an extension, it will still be accessed from the enum!

usage example: this answer

标签: dart