I am trying to access the header 'error-detail' as you can see in the browser network inspector (link above), the header gets returned. Server-wise I have also added the custom header to the 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' to allow cross-domain requests as this was suggested to be the fix on other questions.
Below is the request to the server along with the success/error callbacks.
this.signon = function (request, onComplete, onError) {
console.log("Calling server with 'login' request...");
return $http.post("http://localhost:8080/markit-war/services/rest/UserService/login/", request)
.then(onComplete, onError);
var onLookupComplete = function(response) {
if (response.data.username)
//If user is returned, redirect to the dashboard.
$scope.username = response.data.username;
var onError = function(response) {
$scope.error = "Ooops, something went wrong..";
console.log('error-detail: ' + response.headers('error-detail'));
When I try access the response header as seen below:
console.log('error-detail: ' + response.headers('error-detail'));
This only outputs: content-type: "application/json" error-detail: null
Is there a reason why the error-detail header is not being mapped over to the response object?