php form submit utf8?

2020-02-05 08:20发布


In my website there is a form with a simple textarea for people to post comments. The problem is that sometimes I receive info in uft8 and sometimes in iso. Is it possible to control that?

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but is it possible that the browser changes the codification of the data it sends?



If you want to be sure of what character set you are accepting, set it in your form

<form method="post" action="/your/url/" accept-charset="UTF-8">

You can see all the acceptable character sets here: Character Sets


you can always force UTF-8. Then you can send, receive, and store data in UTF-8 ad cover most human languages without having to change character set.

<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>


but ... check before encoding, if string is already utf8 else you double-encode it

function str_to_utf8 ($string) { 

    if (mb_detect_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', true) === false) { 
      $string = utf8_encode($string); 

    return $str; 

or use

$string = utf8_encode(utf8_decode($string)); 

so you do not double-encode a string


I solved this problem by changing mbstring.http_input = pass in my php.ini file


Have you testes with multiple different browsers if the proble occurs on all/some of them or only IE?


You could encode the $_POST data into UTF-8 using PHP's utf8_encode function.

Something like:

$_POST['comments'] = utf8_encode( $_POST['comments'] );