Okay so I have spent several hours trying to wrap my head around this concept of a HashMap in Java but am just not able to figure it out. I have looked at many tutorials but none seem to address my exact requirement and I cannot get it to work.
I am trying to create an associative multi dimensional array in Java (or something similar) so that I can both save to and retrieve from the array with keys that are Strings.
This is how I would do it in PHP and explains it best what I am trying to do:
//loop one - assign the names
myArray['en']['name'] = "english name";
myArray['fr']['name'] = "french name";
myArray['es']['name'] = "spanish name";
//loop two - assign the description
myArray['en']['desc'] = "english description";
myArray['fr']['desc'] = "french description";
myArray['es']['desc'] = "spanish description";
//loop three - assign the keywords
myArray['en']['keys'] = "english keywords";
myArray['fr']['keys'] = "french keywords";
myArray['es']['keys'] = "spanish keywords";
//later on in the code be able to retrive any value similar to this
english_name = myArray['en']['name'];
french_name = myArray['fr']['name'];
spanish_name = myArray['es']['name'];
This is what I tried in Java but it is not working:
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> myArray = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>();
myArray.put("en" , put("name", "english name")); //gives me "cannot find symbol" at second put
myArray.put("en" , ("name", "english name")); //gives me "')' expected" after second comma
So I am sure its something simple that I am missing but please point it out because this is very frustrating!
So here is some working code on how I implemented the answer I accepted:
import java.util.*;
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> finalArray = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>();
String[] langArray = {"en","fr","de","no","es"};
//Initialize each language key ahead of time
for(String lang : langArray) { // foreach lang in langArray
if (!finalArray.containsKey(lang)) {
finalArray.put(lang, new HashMap<String, String>());
//loop one - assign names
for(String lang : langArray) {
String theName = lang + " name"; //go get the name from somewhere
finalArray.get(lang).put("name", theName);
//loop two - assign description
for(String lang : langArray) {
String theDesc = lang + " description"; //go get the description from somewhere
finalArray.get(lang).put("desc", theDesc);
//loop three - assign keywords
for(String lang : langArray) {
String theKeys = lang + " keywords"; //go get the keywords from somewhere
finalArray.get(lang).put("keys", theKeys);
//display output
for(String lang : langArray) {
System.out.println("LANGUAGE: " + lang);
//example to retrieve/get values
String english_name = finalArray.get("en").get("name");
String french_desc = finalArray.get("fr").get("desc");