
How to use opendiff as default mergetool

2020-02-05 01:45发布


Hi I am trying to use opendiff as the git mergetool, but when I run mergetool I get this error message:

The merge tool opendiff is not available as 'opendiff'

What am I doing wrong? It was working fine before, but since I installed a new harddrive it's not working anymore :(


You'll need to configure opendiff as your global merge.tool:

# locate xcode utilities
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

# set "opendiff" as the default mergetool globally
git config --global merge.tool opendiff

If you get Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo, opening XCode and accepting the license fixes the issue


Make sure you have XCode installed. (If you are using git then you probably using brew, in that case you probably already have XCode installed.)

A one-off solution is to tell git what tool you want to use:

$ git mergetool -t opendiff

As far as setting up opendiff as your default tool, you need to set the "merge.tool" variable in your git config file.


git supports --dir-diff (-d) to perform a directory diff, which looks good in FileMerge. However, there are a couple of minor problems using opendiff with --dir-diff. opendiff doesn't have a --merge target preset, and git will drop the temp files too soon to save changes. My work-around is to use a little bash script to invoke FileMerge. I called it gdiff.

# find top level of git project
until [ -e "$dir/.git" ]; do
  if [ "$dir" == "/" ]; then
    echo "Not a git repository" >&2
    exit 1;
  dir=`dirname "$dir"`
# open fresh FileMerge and wait for termination
open -a FileMerge -n -W --args -left "$1" -right "$2" -merge "$dir"


Call it like this:

git difftool -d -x gdiff