This is going to be a relatively long question, but one I would really like to understand. Final question formulated at the bottom of the question.
I have read the answers to this question:
ES6 class variable alternatives
The question on why this is not accepted syntax in ES6:
class MyClass {
const MY_CONST = 'string';
1) The first answer mentions:
Remember, a class definition defines prototype methods - defining variables on the prototype is generally not something you do.
I don't get this; static variables in a class based language would appear to serve the same purpose as properties defined on the prototype in JS.
Obviously not an instance variable like a person's name, but it could be a default MAX_SPEED for a vehicle, or a counter that is shared by all instances. If the instance doesn't override the prototype's MAX_SPEED, it returns to the default. Isn't that the exact purpose of a static variable?
2) The following post (ES6 spec proposal) formulates:
There is (intentionally) no direct declarative way to define either prototype data properties (other than methods) class properties, or instance property. Class properties and prototype data properties need be created outside the declaration.
I don't see the actual difference in declaring / initialising an instance/class variable with default value within the class itself (outside the constructor)? What does it matter if it's on the prototype? If it concerns an instance variable with a default value that will be likely for all instances (yet overridable), I don't see what is the problem. So what is this intention about exactly?
3) The second answer on the question ES6 class variable alternatives confuses me (though not from a technical pov).
From within a class method that variable can be accessed as
).These class properties would not usually be accessible from to the class instance. i.e.
gives 'bar' butnew MyClass().foo
This indicates that it is clearly possible to declare a class variable on the class (or underlying function) as implemented in this example:
class Car{
//Set instance variable
this.instance_var = 220;
//Set class variable
this.constructor.class_var = 240;
var Mercedes = new Car();
var Audi = new Car();
//Instance property
console.log(Mercedes.instance_var); //220
//Class property
console.log(Car.class_var); //240
//Set instance property
Mercedes.instance_var = 120; //Well I don't know really :-)
console.log(Mercedes.instance_var); //120
//Class property
Car.class_var = 140;
console.log(Car.class_var); //140
//Can be accessed from the constructor property on the instance
console.log(Mercedes.constructor.class_var); //140
console.log(Audi.constructor.class_var); //140
So in the end it is possible to declare a static property from within the class; so I don't see what is the difference declaring it within the constructor, versus just defining it on the class, vs defining it from outside? In the end it just seems to be a trivial technical modification to put it in the constructor vs as an actual class definition (the result will be the same).
Is it really just a design choice to only make methods available?
Ultimate question:
Because I don't understand how being a prototype-language changes the philosophy of having properties on the prototype against static variables on a class. It looks the same to me.
I hope that my question is clear, shout if not.