Concatenate a large number of HDF5 files

2020-02-04 20:48发布


I have about 500 HDF5 files each of about 1.5 GB.

Each of the files has the same exact structure, which is 7 compound (int,double,double) datasets and variable number of samples.

Now I want to concatenate all this files by concatenating each of the datasets so that at the end I have a single 750 GB file with my 7 datasets.

Currently I am running a h5py script which:

  • creates a HDF5 file with the right datasets of unlimited max
  • open in sequence all the files
  • check what is the number of samples (as it is variable)
  • resize the global file
  • append the data

this obviously takes many hours, would you have a suggestion about improving this?

I am working on a cluster, so I could use HDF5 in parallel, but I am not good enough in C programming to implement something myself, I would need a tool already written.


I found that most of the time was spent in resizing the file, as I was resizing at each step, so I am now first going trough all my files and get their length (it is variable).

Then I create the global h5file setting the total length to the sum of all the files.

Only after this phase I fill the h5file with the data from all the small files.

now it takes about 10 seconds for each file, so it should take less than 2 hours, while before it was taking much more.


I get that answering this earns me a necro badge - but things have improved for me in this area recently.

In Julia this takes a few seconds.

  1. Create a txt file that lists all the hdf5 file paths (you can use bash to do this in one go if there are lots)
  2. In a loop read each line of txt file and use label$i = h5read(original_filepath$i, "/label")
  3. concat all the labels label = [label label$i]
  4. Then just write: h5write(data_file_path, "/label", label)

Same can be done if you have groups or more complicated hdf5 files.


Ashley's answer worked well for me. Here is an implementation of her suggestion in Julia:

Make text file listing the files to concatenate in bash:

ls -rt $somedirectory/$somerootfilename-*.hdf5 >> listofHDF5files.txt

Write a julia script to concatenate multiple files into one file:

# concatenate_HDF5.jl
using HDF5


f = open(inputfilepath)
for line in eachline(f)
    r = strip(line, ['\n'])
    datai = h5read(r, "/data")
    if (firstit)
        data=cat(4,data, datai) #In this case concatenating on 4th dimension
h5write(outputfilepath, "/data", data)

Then execute the script file above using:

julia concatenate_HDF5.jl listofHDF5files.txt final_concatenated_HDF5.hdf5