There are two DataFrames (Scala, Apache Spark 1.6.1)
1) Matches
MatchID | Player1 | Player2
1 | John Wayne | John Doe
2 | Ive Fish | San Simon
2) Personal Data
Player | BirthYear
John Wayne | 1986
Ive Fish | 1990
San Simon | 1974
john Doe | 1995
How could create a new DataFrame with 'BirthYear' for the both players
MatchID | Player1 | Player2 | BYear_P1 |BYear_P2 | Diff
1 | John Wayne | John Doe | 1986 | 1995 | 9
2 | Ive Fish | San Simon | 1990 | 1974 | 16
I tried
val df = MatchesDF.join(PersonalDF, MatchesDF("Player1") === PersonalDF("Player"))
then join again for the second player
val resDf = df.join(PersonalDF, df("Player2") === PersonalDF("Player"))
but it's VERY time consuming operation.
May be another way to do it in Scala and Apache Spark?
This should perform better:
case class Match(matchId: Int, player1: String, player2: String)
case class Player(name: String, birthYear: Int)
val matches = Seq(
Match(1, "John Wayne", "John Doe"),
Match(2, "Ive Fish", "San Simon")
val players = Seq(
Player("John Wayne", 1986),
Player("Ive Fish", 1990),
Player("San Simon", 1974),
Player("John Doe", 1995)
val matchesDf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(matches)
val playersDf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(players)
"select matchId, player1, player2, p1.birthYear, p2.birthYear, abs(p1.birthYear-p2.birthYear) " +
"from matches m inner join players p1 inner join players p2 " +
"where m.player1 = and m.player2 =").show()
|matchId| player1| player2|birthYear|birthYear|_c5|
| 1|John Wayne| John Doe| 1986| 1995| 9|
| 2| Ive Fish|San Simon| 1990| 1974| 16|
I didn't find the way to express join of 3 tables in Scala DSL.
This is a solution using spark's dataframe functions:
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.abs
val matches = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(Row(1, "John Wayne", "John Doe"), Row(2, "Ive Fish", "San Simon")))
val players = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
Row("John Wayne", 1986),
Row("Ive Fish", 1990),
Row("San Simon", 1974),
Row("John Doe", 1995)
val matchesDf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(matches, StructType(Seq(
StructField("matchId", IntegerType, nullable = false),
StructField("player1", StringType, nullable = false),
StructField("player2", StringType, nullable = false)))
val playersDf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(players, StructType(Seq(
StructField("player", StringType, nullable = false),
StructField("birthYear", IntegerType, nullable = false)
.join(playersDf, $"matches.player1" === $"players.player")
.select($"matches.matchId" as "matchId", $"matches.player1" as "player1", $"matches.player2" as "player2", $"players.birthYear" as "player1BirthYear")
.join(playersDf, $"player2" === $"players.player")
.select($"matchId" as "MatchID", $"player1" as "Player1", $"player2" as "Player2", $"player1BirthYear" as "BYear_P1", $"players.birthYear" as "BYear_P2")
.withColumn("Diff", abs('BYear_P2.minus('BYear_P1)))
|MatchID| Player1| Player2|BYear_P1|BYear_P2|Diff|
| 1|John Wayne| John Doe| 1986| 1995| 9|
| 2| Ive Fish|San Simon| 1990| 1974| 16|
val df = left.join(right, Seq("name"))