Determine if DataColumn is numeric

2020-02-04 07:57发布


Is there a better way than this to check if a DataColumn in a DataTable is numeric (coming from a SQL Server database)?

  Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
  DbCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("Get_Some_Data");
  DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(cmd);

  foreach (DataTable tbl in ds.Tables) {
    foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns) {
      if (col.DataType == typeof(System.Single)
        || col.DataType == typeof(System.Double)
        || col.DataType == typeof(System.Decimal)
        || col.DataType == typeof(System.Byte)
        || col.DataType == typeof(System.Int16)
        || col.DataType == typeof(System.Int32)
        || col.DataType == typeof(System.Int64)) {
        // this column is numeric
      } else {
        // this column is not numeric


There is no good way to check if the type is numeric except comparing it to the actual types.
This is especially true if the definition of numeric is a bit different (in your case, according to code, - unsigned integers are not numerics).

Another thing is that DataColumn.DataType according to MSDN only supports following types:

  • Boolean
  • Byte
  • Char
  • DateTime
  • Decimal
  • Double
  • Int16
  • Int32
  • Int64
  • SByte
  • Single
  • String
  • TimeSpan
  • UInt16
  • UInt32
  • UInt64
  • Byte[]

The bolded types are numerics (as I define it) so you need to make sure you check them.

I personally would write an extension method for the DataColumn type (not for the TYPE!).
I hate the if...then..else thing so instead I use a SETS-based approach, like this:

public static bool IsNumeric(this DataColumn col) {
  if (col == null)
    return false;
  // Make this const
  var numericTypes = new [] { typeof(Byte), typeof(Decimal), typeof(Double),
        typeof(Int16), typeof(Int32), typeof(Int64), typeof(SByte),
        typeof(Single), typeof(UInt16), typeof(UInt32), typeof(UInt64)};
  return numericTypes.Contains(col.DataType);

And the usage would be:

if (col.IsNumeric()) ....

which is easy enough for me


Another method without using Arrays, just by one line of code:

return col != null && "Byte,Decimal,Double,Int16,Int32,Int64,SByte,Single,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,".Contains(col.DataType.Name + ",");

This line of code can be used either as a normal helper method or as an extension method.


Maybe you could make it shorter with:

System.Type theType = col.DataType AS System.Type
if(theType  == System.Single || theType  == System.Double...) {}