I'm building a react native app that needs to store images at base64 string format for offline viewing capabilities.
What library / function would give me the best result to store the image as base64 string? assuming my url is "http://www.example.com/image.png".
Also, do I need to make http request to get it before storing it as a string? my logic says yes, but in react native you can load images on the <Image> component without request them first from the server.
What would be the best option to do this in react native?
I use react-native-fetch-blob, basically it provides lot of file system and network functions make transferring data pretty easy.
import RNFetchBlob from "react-native-fetch-blob";
const fs = RNFetchBlob.fs;
let imagePath = null;
fileCache: true
.fetch("GET", "http://www.example.com/image.png")
// the image is now dowloaded to device's storage
.then(resp => {
// the image path you can use it directly with Image component
imagePath = resp.path();
return resp.readFile("base64");
.then(base64Data => {
// here's base64 encoded image
// remove the file from storage
return fs.unlink(imagePath);
source Project Wiki
ImageEditor.cropImage(imageUrl, imageSize, (imageURI) => {
ImageStore.getBase64ForTag(imageURI, (base64Data) => {
// base64Data contains the base64string of the image
}, (reason) => console.error(reason));
}, (reason) => console.error(reason));
To convert image to base64 in React native, the FileReader utility is helpful:
const fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = fileLoadedEvent => {
const base64Image = fileLoadedEvent.target.result;
This requires react-native-file.
Another alternative, and probably the preferred alternative, is to use NativeModules. The Medium article shows how. It requires creating a native module.
NativeModules.ReadImageData.readImage(path, (base64Image) => {
// Do something here.
There is a better way:
Install this react-native-fs, IF you don't already have it.
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs';
RNFS.readFile(this.state.imagePath, 'base64')
.then(res =>{
The standalone expo FileSystem package makes this simple:
const base64 = await FileSystem.readAsStringAsync(photo.uri, { encoding: 'base64' });
- https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/filesystem/
- https://github.com/expo/expo/tree/master/packages/expo-file-system
As 2019-09-27 this package handles both file://
and content://
react-native-image-picker includes a base64 data node in the returned object. fyi
I used another package: react-native-fs
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs';
var data = await RNFS.readFile( "file://path-to-file", 'base64').then(res => { return res });
This works fine.
For me upalod file mp4 from local file on devies to Facebook or another social:
var data = await RNFS.readFile( `file://${this.data.path}`, 'base64').then(res => { return res });
const shareOptions = {
title: 'iVideo',
message: 'Share video',
url:'data:video/mp4;base64,'+ data,
social: Share.Social.FACEBOOK,
filename: this.data.name , // only for base64 file in Android
Alert.alert('Share Success`enter code here`!')
console.log('err share', err);