At the moment, I have a custom ControllerFactory into which I inject my Unity container:
in global.asax Application_Start():
var container = InitContainer();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(container));
var factory = new UnityControllerFactory(container);
In the controller factory I set my controllers to use a custom ActionInvoker like so:
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
var controller = base.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType) as Controller;
if (controller != null)
controller.ActionInvoker = new UnityActionInvoker(_container);
return controller;
Finally in my custom ActionInvoker, I attempt to buildup actions being invoked using the ActionInvokers container:
protected override ActionExecutedContext InvokeActionMethodWithFilters(
ControllerContext controllerContext,
IList<IActionFilter> filters,
ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor,
IDictionary<string, object> parameters)
var builtUpFilters = new List<IActionFilter>();
foreach (IActionFilter actionFilter in filters)
return base.InvokeActionMethodWithFilters(controllerContext, builtUpFilters, actionDescriptor, parameters);
Here is an example of one of the ActionFilters that is being built up:
public class PopulatRolesAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute, IActionFilter
private const string RolesKey = "roles";
public Func<IMetadataService> Service { get; set; }
public PopulatRolesAttribute()
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.Controller.ViewData[RolesKey] == null)
filterContext.Controller.ViewData[RolesKey] = Service().GetRoles();
The problem is that the public property on my custom ActionFilterAttribute is never injected with anything, it remains null on execution! I cannot see why my filter is not being correctly builtup by the container. The type being injected is registered properly, like so:
container.RegisterInstance(new ChannelFactory<IMetadataService>(
new BasicHttpBinding(),
new EndpointAddress("")));
() => container.Resolve<ChannelFactory<IMetadataService>>().CreateChannel());
And is also being injected elsewhere in the application (Although not via .Buildup). This is pretty much the same process followed by this blog post. What piece of the puzzle am I missing?