I need to know a generic way to distinguish between a call of activity from launcher and a call from another activity from inside my app, or a BACK on the activity stack
Anyone? this is bugging me for quite a while now and i need to put it to rest...
Thanks in advance
In the onCreate of your Activity, call getIntent()
. If the Activity is started from the launcher (home screen) the values for getAction()
will be android.intent.action.MAIN
and the getCategories()
will return a set which will contain the android.intent.category.LAUNCHER category.
If the activity is started from elsewhere these values may be null
In addition to @advantej's answer, you can extend each start-call to that activity adding an extra to the starting intent (e.g. intent.putExtra("caller", this.getClass().getSimpleName()
In the activity's onCreate
method you can check then what @advantej suggests.
If the initiator is not the home-screen icon, than you can check further if the intent.hasExtra("caller")
returns true, and if so, what is it.
You can find it out from intent flag.
step 1:
Intent intent = getIntent();
int flag = intent.getFlag();
step 2:
launch from other app or activities
launch from home page
in 2 cases the onRestart(); called, 1.when activity come from background, 2.when the user reach the activity by back button then sample solution:
use onBackPressed() function to set a flag.. so u know that onRestart called becouse of back button press...
in onRestart () check the flag and reset it and....
Based on advantej's answer, here is a full example that also hides the UP button if the activity was launched from a launcher icon:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
* If this activity was started from launcher icon, then don't show the Up button in the action bar.
ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
if (actionBar != null) {
Intent intent = getIntent();
Set<String> intentCategories = intent.getCategories();
boolean wasActivityStartedFromLauncherIcon = Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals(intent.getAction()) && intentCategories != null && intentCategories.contains(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);
boolean showUpButton = !wasActivityStartedFromLauncherIcon;
Here's convenience method so you don't need to write it yourself:
protected boolean isStartedByLauncher() {
if (getIntent() == null) {
return false;
boolean isActionMain = Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals(getIntent().getAction());
Set<String> categories = getIntent().getCategories();
boolean isCategoryLauncher = categories != null && categories.contains(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);
return isActionMain && isCategoryLauncher;
The simplest approach that I can think of would be to pass a flag while launching the activity from your own activities. You should also check if the activity was created or resumed, this can be done by setting a boolean in the onCreate method, and then checking it onResume.
Below is the code you can use (not tested):
Activity in which you want to check (say MainActivity.class):
Boolean onCreateCalled = false;
Boolean calledFromAppActivities = false;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
onCreateCalled = true;
Bundle mainData = getIntent().getExtras();
if (mainData != null) {
if (getIntent().hasExtra("call_from_own_activity")) {
calledFromAppActivities = true;
protected void onResume() {
if (onCreateCalled && !calledFromAppActivities) {
// The app was not called from any of our activities.
// The activity was not resumed but was created.
// Do Stuff
// To stop it from running again when activity is resumed.
onCreateCalled = false;
When calling MainActivity from other activities, use the code below:
private void call_main () {
Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MainActivity.class);
i.putExtra("call_from_own_activity", true);