overriding default templates of django-allauth

2020-02-03 09:37发布


I used this social registration/signup library django allauth for a project of mine. How do i customize the default templates and forms to give a better look and feel?


the latest version of all-auth on github has its templates outside, however the one on Pypi is not, all you need to do is clone the repo in your project directory and override the templates. As simple as that.


Assuming you have set a project level templates directory using the TEMPLATE_DIRS setting like:

TEMPLATE_DIRS = (os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'templates'),)

You should be able to copy all of the folders shown here into that directory and edit them as you need. Most of the templates seem to be filling a {% block content %} block, so it's probably easiest if your site_base.html template defines that block somewhere.

If you haven't set TEMPLATE_DIRS, you can do the same thing, but copy the template folders into the templates directory of one of your apps. I prefer to set TEMPLATE_DIRS and keep the main site templates like base.html there, since they don't really belong to a particular app, but that's really just a preference; the template loader should find them either way.


In your views:

from allauth.account.views import SignupView, LoginView

class MySignupView(SignupView):
    template_name = 'my_signup.html'

class MyLoginView(LoginView):
    template_name = 'my_login.html'

Do pay attention to the examples and docs for structuring your own templates.

Watch this piece in the example templates though:

<form id="signup_form" method="post" action="{% url 'account_signup' %}">

I had to remove the URL link to make it work properly in my own template:

<form id="signup_form" method="post" action="">'


Use the same logic as overriding admin templates.


Have a look at the example application; it has a templates folder that indicates the layout of the necessary templates


To customize django-allauth after installing it, copy it from site-packages and paste it in your project apps directory. In this way the default allauth app and its templates being used will be those in your project's allauth app. Then if you want to modify signup.html of socialaccount then go to apps\allauth\templates\socialaccount\signup.html and modify it by editting inside 'block content' tag:

{% block content %}
    // your customized html for signup form
{% endblock %}

Hope this will help you.


All of these are good suggestions.

Most of these ought to work.

The only thing that worked for me, though, was to include my own templates in "project/app/templates/account/" and make sure that "django-allauth" gets listed in INSTALLED_APPS after my own app.

I discovered this here.