I am using the DataTables plugin (www.datatables.net) for jQuery to display tables on a web page.
After reading through the documentation and doing some searches, I am unable to find out how to completely suppress or hide table headers, using the DataTables options or API.
Why don't you simply hide them through css (i think datatables requires a thead section to work)?
.dataTables_wrapper table thead{
fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/LhZF3/
I know the question is pretty old, but I searched for it today and found another solution ...
In your js / coffee file:
... your other options ...
fnDrawCallback: -> $("#selector thead").remove()
Pure JS variant:
... your other options ...
fnDrawCallback: function() {
$("#selector thead").remove();
Simple add the style display:none
inline style to your thead tag.
<thead style="display:none;">
Just add this to your css:
thead {