i need to make 2 http request (the second dependent on the first) to insert user credentiels into my data base.
the first service get the user credentiels (http://localhost:55978/FleetViewDBWebService.asmx/ChekCreds?name=name1&subname=subname1) and check if the user already exist or not, return the 'ID' if it exist , or "ok" if the user doesn't exist.
then i need to subscribe to the first service and get the returned value.
if "ok" call the second service (http://localhost:55978/FleetViewDBWebService.asmx/InsertUser?name=name1&subname=subname1&Telephone=334580021)
to insert the user credentiels ,
else return any message .
I call the first service and get the result but i have no idea how to add the second service.
is there any ideas
CheckCreds(value: any) {
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
let params = new URLSearchParams();
params.set('name', (value.nom).toString());
params.set('subname', (value.prenom).toString());
return this.http.get(this.checkUri, {
search: params, withCredentials: true
.map(res => {
console.log("++++" + res.text());
return JSON.parse(res.text());
submitForm($ev, value: any) {
for (let c in this.valForm.controls) {
if (this.valForm.valid) {
res => {
string result=JSON.stringify(res);
e => {
() => {