When I do this:
{% load humanize %}
{{ video.pub_date|naturaltime|capfirst }}
I get 2 days, 19 hours ago
How can I get just 2 days without the hours. Basically if the video was published in less than a day ago then it should say X hours ago, then it should count in days like X days ago, then in weeks. I just don't want 1 hours 5 minutes ago or 2 days 13 minutes ago. Just the first part.
I looked at the humanize docs but couldn't find what I needed.
Django has a built-in template filter timesince
that offers the same output you mentioned above. The following filter just strips the second part after the comma:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from django import template
from django.utils.timesince import timesince
register = template.Library()
def age(value):
now = datetime.now()
difference = now - value
return value
if difference <= timedelta(minutes=1):
return 'just now'
return '%(time)s ago' % {'time': timesince(value).split(', ')[0]}
You should duplicate your django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize.py to myapp.templatetags.myhumanize and modify it to your needs. (I can't find the actual line that returns "x days, y hours ago". Which version of django/humanize are you using?)
there is naturaltime
in modern django. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/contrib/humanize/#naturaltime
You can also now use an ExpressionWrapper or Case/When that will utilize the queryset and database to format it directly.
Example output, in combo with day/days pluralized off the top of my head:
overdue = ExpressionWrapper(timezone.now() - F('due_date'), output_field=fields.DurationField())
objects = Activity.objects.all().order_by('-due_date').annotate(overdue=overdue)