Is there a way to get epoch time using a Windows command? If not, can the date
and time
commands output be modified?
For example date
in Windows gives the date with / etc. I would like to get an output that has no special characters such as / :
To get time in the "yyyymmdd" format, try this:
for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %i in ('date /t') do echo %k%i%j
More on:
Through my own research online, I was not able to find a way to do this via a batch file directly. However, I was able to find this solution that worked for me:
In toEpoch.vbs:
WScript.Echo DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", Now())
Then called from my batch script like so:
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('cscript /nologo toEpoch.vbs') do set epoch=%%x
That set the %epoch% variable with the current unix timestamp and I was able to use it as I needed to.
Hope this helps.
Use this command to show numbers of seconds after epoch.
(Cmd command)
powershell -command "(New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date "01/01/1970") -End (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds"
from the command line try this
for /f "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %f in ('date /t') do @echo %h%g%f
remember to double up the % chars if in batch file
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%f in ('date /t') do set d=%%h%%g%%f
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=: " %%f in ('time /t') do set t=%%f%%g
echo datetime is : %d%%t: =0%
I got this output:
datetime is : 201008111108
[Edited per Kurt Pfeifle's comment about spaces in time expansion]
There is no reliable way of getting a date in batch files without resorting to external tools or other languages such as VBScript.
From VBScript you can access the current date and time with the Date
and Time
functions. FormatDateTime
will get you a culture-neutral date/time format which you can then parse.
You can get a result frmo the VBScript by using WScript.Echo
from within the script and calling it like so from the batch:
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('cscript /nologo foo.vbs') do set result=%%x
Then the variable %result%
contains whatever the VBScript had as output in its first line.
The CoreUtils for Windows project, has a date
command, which give you the same options as under Linux.
Download the software, and rename date.exe
to gnudate.exe
, to avoid a conflict with the Dos date
command. You need the files libintl-2.dll
and libiconv-2.dll
to run the command.
For all available options type:
gnudate --help
For example gnudate "+%a %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S"
will give:
Sun 10 apr 2016 21:52:35
The command gnudate +%s
will give the seconds since Epoch:
The next Dos batch file shows the usage of gnudate. You will need to double the %
in the gnudate +%s
rem set the variable s to the epoch seconds.
for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%A in ('gnudate +%%s') do set s=%%A
rem use `%s%` for the time offset parameter of the ffmpeg drawtext filter.
ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=15.3:size=cif:r=10 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=arial.ttf:text=%%{pts\\\:localtime\\\:%s%\\\:%%a %%d %%b %%Y %%H\\\\\\:%%M\\\\\\:%%S}:fontsize=10:x=w-text_w:y=h-lh:box=1" a.mp4
ffplay a.mp4
This batch file was tested with Windows 8 in a virtual machine under Linux.
To run it, you'll need to install ffmpeg
You can download the Static build