Why isn't there IntStream.flatMapToObj()?

2019-01-19 16:45发布


I'm trying to do something like this:

Stream<Object> stream = IntStream.of(...)
        .flatMapToObj(i -> getStreamOfObjects(i));

Unfortunately, IntStream.flatMapToObj() doesn't exist, even in Java 9.

  1. Why was it left out?
  2. What's a recommended workaround?


Why was it was left out?

The API provides reusable building blocks. The relevant building blocks here are IntStream, mapToObj, flatMap. From these you can achieve what you want: map an in stream to objects, and then get a flat map. Providing permutations of building blocks would not be practical, and harder to extend.

What's a recommended workaround?

As hinted earlier, use the available building blocks (mapToObj + flatMap):

Stream<Object> stream = IntStream.of(...)
    .mapToObj(i -> Stream.of(...))


Using a boxed stream would work if you don't mind the cost of boxing each int value.

Stream<Object> stream = IntStream.of(...).boxed().flatMap(i -> getStreamOfObjects(i));


Just write

 IntStream.of(...).mapToObj(i -> getStreamOfObjects(i)).flatMap(stream -> stream)