
SQL Server : is there any performance penalty for

2020-02-02 02:34发布


As learning exercise and before trying to use any ORM (like EF) I want to build a personal project using ADO.NET and stored procedures.

Because I don't want my code to become a mess over time, I want to use some patterns like the repository and UoW patterns.

I've got almost everything figured it out, except for the transaction handling.

To somehow 'simulate' a UoW, I used this class provided by @jgauffin, but what's stopping me from using that class is that every time you create a new instance of that class (AdoNetUnitOfWork) you're automatically beginning a transaction and there a lot of cases where you only need to read data.

In this regard this is what I found in one of the SQL books I've been reading:

Executing a SELECT statement within a transaction can create locks on the referenced tables, which can in turn block other users or sessions from performing work or reading data

This is the AdoNetUnitOfWork class:

public class AdoNetUnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
    public AdoNetUnitOfWork(IDbConnection connection, bool ownsConnection)
        _connection = connection;
        _transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

    public IDbCommand CreateCommand()
        var command = _connection.CreateCommand();
        command.Transaction = _transaction;
        return command;

    public void SaveChanges()
        if (_transaction == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Transaction have already been commited. Check your transaction handling.");

        _transaction = null;

    public void Dispose()
        if (_transaction != null)
            _transaction = null;

        if (_connection != null && _ownsConnection)
            _connection = null;

And this is how I want to use the UoW in my repositories:

public DomainTable Get(int id)
    DomainTable table;

    using (var commandTable = _unitOfWork.CreateCommand())
        commandTable.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        //This stored procedure contains just a simple SELECT statement
        commandTable.CommandText = "up_DomainTable_GetById";

        commandTable.Parameters.Add(commandTable.CreateParameter("@pId", id));

        table = ToList(commandTable).FirstOrDefault();

    return table;

I know I can tweak this code a bit so that the transaction would be optional, but since I trying to make this code as platform independent as possible and as far as I know in other persistence frameworks like EF you don't have to manage transactions manually, the question is, will I be creating some kind of bottleneck by using this class as it is, that is, with transactions always being created?


It all depends on the transaction isolation level. Using the default isolation level (ie. read committed) then your SELECT should occur no performance penalty if is wrapped in a transaction. SQL Server internally wraps statements in a transaction anyway if one is not already started, so your code should behave almost identical.

However, I must ask you why not use the built-in .Net TransactionScope? This way your code will interact much better with other libraries and frameworks, since TransactionScope is universally used. If you do decide to switch to this I must warn you that, by default, TransactionScope uses SERIALIZABLE isolation level and this does result in performance penalties, see using new TransactionScope() Considered Harmful.